The Key Ingredient to a Healthy Society

Belonging and the four ingredients of community — from Emile Durkheim’s study of suicide.

Tyler Kleeberger
11 min readJan 30, 2022
Photo from; used with permission.


What is the optimal function of society? Emile Durkheim provided a glimpse in his famous work on suicide in which he disclosed two primary factors of social dysfunction — individualism and autonomy. The remedy to this social problem is best understood with a technical definition of community.


  • Sociological perspectives on social dysfunction.
  • Normal function of society versus individualism and autonomy.
  • Durkheim’s discourse on suicide within capitalism and industrialism — modernism was achieved at the expense of collective belonging.
  • The technical definition of community and its four necessary ingredients as a solution to modernism’s dis-ease.


How do you determine if a social reality is positive or negative? Is it all relative — only being good or bad if it happens to agree with your preference at the moment? Or is there a means to objectively critique various societal effects?

It depends on who you ask.



Tyler Kleeberger

Pursuing what it means to be human so as to build the best world possible. Practical ethics through in-depth exploration. Becoming Human: